In Preparation for Crossing the Pacific We Got Our Boat Blessed.
In the midst of our chaos, one of the other boaters prompted me about getting our boat blessed. Immediately I thought it was a great idea and prompted her to ask the local priest to get our boat blessed in the marina. Having had our boat blessed back home by our parish priest, I knew what to expect but I was a bit nervous about how it would work in Mexico. Our friends boat went first.
Why get our boat blessed? As we prepare limitless safety measures like having emergency locator beacons on board, a float plan as who to contact in an emergency, and buying an insurance plan to evacuate us in case of grave health concerns, we often forget enlisting the protection and guidance from God. What are we expecting when we get a blessing? Our hearts and minds are combined in asking God for His mercy and grace to be with us so that we complete our journey safely. Over the centuries, many Mariners sought blessings from their priests before departing on a journey.
After the blessing we sat around to get to know the priest a bit better.
Father Alfonso from La Cruz church.