Luminesce Sets Sail For the Marquesas.

Luminesce Sets Sail For the Marquesas.

UTC 0013 Apr 13 2018

Latitude20°18.113N Longitude 105°59.544W Windspeed 5 kts Boat speed 4.5 kts Course 220deg M

Crew on Board: Jeff, Monica, Anna, and Sophia Crew Condition: All in good spirits. Anna is a bit seasick and Sophia is bored.

We pulled up our anchor in Punta De Mita at 9:30 local time on April 12, 2018. As Jeff finished putting the anchor away, I drove over to our friends’ boats, sv Banyan and sv Free Spirit, to say goodbye. Preparing for nearly three years and probably a lot longer in Jeff’s mind, we are setting sail to French Polynesia. Good bye Mexico. We look forward to visiting you again.

The winds were light for most of the day. We raised our sails once we cleared the Marietas Islands. Averaging 4 kts most of the day I wondered if this speed would delay our arrival in Nuku Hiva, Marquesas. Most people arrive within 3 weeks though I have met people who took 45 days to get there. I know it’s not a race but I always had affinity for speed.
When we were stashing away our huge bundles of junk food, Jeff and I promised the girls that we will have plenty of opportunity to indulge once we were under way. Of course without much delay, the girls asked as soon as the anchor was up when we are going to start opening in the chips and cookies. My mind was so preoccupied with our crates full of ripening produce that I told them we’d have to make sure we eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Then Sophia remarks, “I am afraid that by the time we eat all the fruits and vegetables the junk food will have gone bad.” Then Jeff chimes in and says, “Yeah, I have this fear that there are lots of little holes in these bags and they will become all moldy. ” In order to calm these fears we had to commence our junk food eating.

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